
This chapter will show you how to connect a simple push-button to your Arduino board and trigger an event in JavaScript when the button is pressed or released.

Connecting the Button with p5js

The basic syntax is:

let button = connectSensor( SENSOR_BUTTON, pin );

If you connected a button to the digital pin 2 then you would register the button by writing this:

let button = connectSensor( SENSOR_BUTTON, 2 );

If you would like to call a function when the button is pressed, use the button.pressed( callback ) method:

button.pressed( myPressedFunc )

Same can be done, if the button is released. Use the button.released( callback ) method:

button.released( myReleasedFunc )

To check if the button is currently pressed (e.g. in the draw() function) you can use:

if (button.isPressed) {
   // ... do something

// alternative:
if (button.value() == 1) {
   // ... do something



Wiring Arduino p5js Javascript


let button;

function setup () {
   createCanvas(400, 400);

   button = connectSensor( SENSOR_BUTTON, 2 );
   button.pressed( buttonPressed );
   button.released( buttonReleased );

function draw () {
   background( 255 );
   let size = 50;
   if (button.value() == 1) {
      size = 20
   circle( 200, 200, size );

function buttonPressed() {

function buttonReleased() {