

Read and render content elements and content of a backend column (colPos) .

Overview of Methods

\nn\t3::Content()->addRelations($data = []);

Lädt relations (media, assets, …) to a tt_content data array. If EXT:mask is installed, the corresponding method from mask is used.

\nn\t3::Content()->addRelations( $data );
@return array

\nn\t3::Content()->column($colPos, $pageUid = NULL, $slide = NULL);

Lädt the content for a given column (colPos) and page. If no pageUid is specified, it uses the current page. With slide, the content items of the üparent page are fetched if there is no content item in the column on the specified page.

Get content of colPos = 110 from current page:

\nn\t3::Content()->column( 110 );

Get content of colPos = 110 from the current page. If there is no content in the column on the current page, use the content from the üparent page:

\nn\t3::Content()->column( 110, true );

Get content of colPos = 110 from page with id 99:

\nn\t3::Content()->column( 110, 99 );

Get content of colPos = 110 from page with id 99. If there is no content in the column on page 99, use the content from the parent page of page 99:

\nn\t3::Content()->column( 110, 99, true );

Also available as ViewHelper:

{nnt3:content.column(colPos:110, slide:1)}
{nnt3:content.column(colPos:110, pid:99)}
{nnt3:content.column(colPos:110, pid:99, slide:1)}
@return string

\nn\t3::Content()->columnData($colPos, $addRelations = false, $pageUid = NULL);

Lädt the “raw” tt_content data of a given column (colPos).

\nn\t3::Content()->columnData( 110 );
\nn\t3::Content()->columnData( 110, true );
\nn\t3::Content()->columnData( 110, true, 99 );

Also present as ViewHelper. | relations defaults to TRUE

in ViewHelper.
{nnt3:content.columnData(colPos:110, pid:99, relations:0)}
@return array

\nn\t3::Content()->get($ttContentUid = NULL, $getRelations = false, $localize = true);

Loads the data of a tt_content element as a simple array:

\nn\t3::Content()->get( 1201 );

Load relations (media, assets, …)

\nn\t3::Content()->get( 1201, true );

Translations / Localization:

Do NOT translate element automatically if another language is set

\nn\t3::Content()->get( 1201, false, false );

Get element in a OTHER language than the one set in the frontend. Takes into account the fallback chain of the language set in the site config

\nn\t3::Content()->get( 1201, false, 2 );

Get element with its own fallback chain. Completely ignores the chain, defined in the site config.

\nn\t3::Content()->get( 1201, false, [2,3,0] );
@param int $ttContentUid Content Uid in table tt_content.
@param bool $getRelations Also get relations / FAL?
@param bool $localize Override the entry?
@return array

\nn\t3::Content()->getAll($constraints = [], $getRelations = false, $localize = true);

Get multiple content elements (from tt_content).

The records are automatically localized â except $localize is set to false set. See nn\t3::Content()->get() for more $localize options.

Using a list of UIDs:

\nn\t3::Content()->getAll( 1 );
\nn\t3::Content()->getAll( [1, 2, 7] );

Using filter criteria:

\nn\t3::Content()->getAll( ['pid'=>1] );
\nn\t3::Content()->getAll( ['pid'=>1, 'colPos'=>1] );
\nn\t3::Content()->getAll( ['pid'=>1, 'CType'=>'mask_section_cards', 'colPos'=>1] );
@param mixed $ttContentUid Content uids or constraints for querying the data.
@param bool $getRelations Also get relations / FAL?
@param bool $localize Override the entry?
@return array

\nn\t3::Content()->localize($table = 'tt_content', $data = [], $localize = true);

Localize / translate data.


Translate data, using the current language of the frontend.

\nn\t3::Content()->localize( 'tt_content', $data );

Get data in a OTHER language than the one set in the frontend. Takes into account the fallback chain of the language set in the site config

\nn\t3::Content()->localize( 'tt_content', $data, 2 );

Get data with custom fallback chain. Completely ignores the chain, defined in the site config.

\nn\t3::Content()->localize( 'tt_content', $data, [3, 2, 0] );
@param string $table database table.
@param array $data Array containing the default language data (languageUid = 0).
@param mixed $localize Specify how to translate. Boolean, uid or array with uids
@return array

\nn\t3::Content()->render($ttContentUid = NULL, $data = []);

Renders an tt_content element as HTML

\nn\t3::Content()->render( 1201 );
\nn\t3::Content()->render( 1201, ['key'=>'value'] );

Also available as a ViewHelper:

@return string