

Log to the sys_log

Overview of Methods

\nn\t3::Log()->error($extName = '', $message = '', $data = []);

Write a warning in the sys_log table. Shorthand notation for nnt3::Log()->log(…, ‘error’);

\nn\t3::Log()->error( 'extname', 'text', ['die'=>'data'] );

return void

\nn\t3::Log()->info($extName = '', $message = '', $data = []);

Write an info to the sys_log table. Shorthand notation for nnt3::Log()->log(…, ‘info’);

\nn\t3::Log()->error( 'extname', 'text', ['die'=>'data'] );

return void

\nn\t3::Log()->log($extName = 'nnhelpers', $message = NULL, $data = [], $severity = 'info');

Writes an entry in the sys_log table. The severity level can be specified, e.g. info, warning or error

\nn\t3::Log()->log( 'extname', 'All übel.', ['nix'=>'good'], 'error' );
\nn\t3::Log()->log( 'extname', 'All shön.' );
@return mixed