Everything you need for objects and models.
Overview of Methods¶
\nn\t3::Obj()->accessSingleProperty($obj, $key
Access a key in an object or array. key must be single string, not path
nnt3::Obj()->accessSingleProperty( $obj, ‘uid’ ); nnt3::Obj()->accessSingleProperty( $obj, ‘fal_media’ ); nnt3::Obj()->accessSingleProperty( $obj, ‘falMedia’ );
@param mixed $obj
Model or array.@param string $key
the key to fetch@return mixed
\nn\t3::Obj()->diff($objA, $objB, $fieldsToIgnore = [], $fieldsToCompare = [], $options = []
Compares two objects, returns array with differences. If a property of objA does not exist in objB, it is ignored.
// returns array with differences.
\nn\t3::Obj()->diff( $objA, $objB );
// ignores the uid and title fields
\nn\t3::Obj()->diff( $objA, $objB, ['uid', 'title'] );
// Compares ONLY the title and bodytext fields
\nn\t3::Obj()->diff( $objA, $objB, [], ['title', 'bodytext'] );
// options
\nn\t3::Obj()->diff( $objA, $objB, [], [], ['ignoreWhitespaces'=>true, 'ignoreTags'=>true, 'ignoreEncoding'=>true] );
@param mixed $objA
An object, array, or model.@param mixed $objB
The object or model to compare.@param array $fieldsToIgnore
List of properties that can be ignored. Empty = none@param array $fieldsToCompare
List of properties to compare. Empty = all@param boolean $options
Options / tolerances when comparing.ignoreWhitespaces
=> ignore spaces.ignoreEncoding
=> ignore UTF8 / ISO encoding.ignoreTags
=> ignore HTML tags@return array
\nn\t3::Obj()->get($obj, $key = ''
Access a value in the object using the key.
Alias to \nn\t3::Obj()->accessSingleProperty()
\nn\t3::Obj()->get( $obj, 'title' );
\nn\t3::Obj()->get( $obj, 'falMedia' );
\nn\t3::Obj()->get( $obj, 'fal_media' );
@param mixed $obj
Model or array.@param string $key
the key/property@return mixed
\nn\t3::Obj()->getClassSchema($modelClassName = NULL
Get info about the classSchema of a model
\nn\t3::Obj()->getClassSchema( $myModel\Name::class );
\nn\t3::Obj()->getClassSchema( $myModel );
return DataMap
Access ALL keys to be fetched in an object
\nn\t3::Obj()->getKeys( $model ); // ['uid', 'title', 'text', ...]
\nn\t3::Obj()->getKeys( $model ); // ['uid', 'title', 'text', ...]
\nn\t3::Obj()->getKeys( \Nng\MyExt\Domain\Model\Demo::class ); // ['uid', 'title', 'text', ...]
@param mixed $obj
Model, array, or class name.@return array
\nn\t3::Obj()->getMethodArguments($className = NULL, $methodName = NULL
Get info about the arguments to a method.
| Also takes into account the typehinting specified by``@param
, e.g. to``ObjectStorage<ModelName>``.``
\nn\t3::Obj()->getMethodArguments( \My\Model\Name::class, 'myMethodName' );
\nn\t3::Obj()->getMethodArguments( $myClassInstance, 'myMethodName' );
Returns as an example:
'varName' => [
'type' => 'storage<model>',
'storageType' => 'Storage',
'elementType' => 'Model',
'optional' => true,
'defaultValue' => '123'
return array
\nn\t3::Obj()->getProps($obj, $key = 'type', $onlySettable = true
return the list of properties of an object or model with type.
\nn\t3::Obj()->getProps( $obj ); // ['uid'=>'integer', 'title'=>'string' ...]
\nn\t3::Obj()->getProps( $obj, true ); // ['uid'=>[type=>'integer', 'private'=>TRUE]]
\nn\t3::Obj()->getProps( $obj, 'default' ); // ['uid'=>TRUE]
\nn\t3::Obj()->getProps( \Nng\MyExt\Domain\Model\Demo::class );
@param mixed $obj
model or class name.@param mixed $key
If TRUE array with all info is fetched, e.g. also default value etc.@param boolean $onlySettable
Get only properties that can also be set by setName().@return array
Get all keys of an object that have a SETTER.
In contrast to \nn\t3::Obj()->getKeys()
, only the property keys
that can be set, e.g. via setNameDerProp()
@return array
\nn\t3::Obj()->getTableName($modelClassName = NULL
returns the DB table name for a model
$model = new \Nng\MyExt\Domain\Model\Test;
\nn\t3::Obj()->getTableName( $model ); // 'tx_myext_domain_model_test'
\nn\t3::Obj()->getTableName( Test::class ); // 'tx_myext_domain_model_test'
@return string
Prüft whether the object is a TYPO3CMSCoreResourceFileReference.
\nn\t3::Obj()->isFalFile( $obj );
@return boolean
Check whether the object is a \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File
\nn\t3::Obj()->isFile( $obj );
@return boolean
Prüft whether the object is a TYPO3CMSExtbaseDomainModelFileReference.
\nn\t3::Obj()->isFileReference( $obj );
@return boolean
Prüft whether the object is a domain model.
\nn\t3::Obj()->isModel( $obj );
@return boolean
\nn\t3::Obj()->isSimpleType($type = ''
Checks whether a type (string) is a “simple” type.
Simple types are all types except models, classes, etc. - e.g. array
, string
, boolean
$isSimple = \nn\t3::Obj()->isSimpleType( 'string' ); // true
$isSimple = \nn\t3::Obj()->isSimpleType( \My\Extname\ClassName::class ); // false
@return boolean
Prüft whether the object is a storage.
\nn\t3::Obj()->isStorage( $obj );
@return boolean
Checks whether the object is a SysCategory.
Takes into account all models that are stored in sys_category
\nn\t3::Obj()->isSysCategory( $obj );
$cat = new \GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Category();
\nn\t3::Obj()->isSysCategory( $cat );
@return boolean
\nn\t3::Obj()->merge($model = NULL, $overlay = NULL
Merge an array into an object
\nn\t3::Obj( \My\Doman\Model )->merge(['title'=>'New Title']);
This can even be used to write / üoverwrite FileReferences.
In this example, $data
is merged with an existing model.
| falMedia
is an ObjectStorage in the example. The first element in falMedia
already exists in the database (uid = 12
). Only the title is updated here.
The second element in the array (without uid
) is new. For this, a new
| sys_file_reference
is created in the database.
$data = [
'uid' => 10,
'title' => 'the title',
'falMedia' => [
['uid'=>12, 'title'=>'1st image title'],
['title'=>'NEW image title', 'publicUrl'=>'fileadmin/_tests/5e505e6b6143a.jpg'],
$oldModel = $repository->findByUid( $data['uid'] );
$mergedModel = \nn\t3::Obj($oldModel)->merge($data);
In order to create a new model with data from an array there is
there is a method $newModel = \nn\t3::Convert($data)->toModel( \My\Model\Name::class );
@return Object
\nn\t3::Obj()->parseType($paramType = ''
Parse a string with info about ObjectStorage<Model>
\nn\t3::Obj()->parseType( 'string' );
\nn\t3::Obj()->parseType( 'Nng\Nnrestapi\Domain\Model\ApiTest' );
\nn\t3::Obj()->parseType( '\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<Nng\Nnrestapi\Domain\Model\ApiTest>' );
Git back an array of info:
| type
is only set if it is an array or an ObjectStorage.
| elementType
is always the type of the model or the TypeHinting of the variable
'elementType' => 'Nng\Nnrestapi\Domain\Model\ApiTest',
'type' => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage',
'simple' => FALSE
@return array
\nn\t3::Obj()->prop($obj, $key
Access to a key in an object or array. The key can also be a path, e.g. “img.0.uid”
nnt3::Obj()->prop( $obj, ‘img.0.uid’ );
@param mixed $obj
Model or array.@param string $key
the key to fetch@return mixed
\nn\t3::Obj()->props($obj, $keys = []
Get individual properties of an object or array
\nn\t3::Obj()->props( $obj, ['uid', 'pid'] );
\nn\t3::Obj()->props( $obj, 'uid' );
@return array
\nn\t3::Obj()->set($obj, $key = '', $val = '', $useSetter = true
Sets a value in an object or array.
\nn\t3::Obj()->set( $obj, 'title', $val );
@param mixed $obj
Model or array.@param string $key
the key / property@param mixed $val
the value to be set@param boolean $useSetter
use setKey() method to set@return mixed
\nn\t3::Obj()->toArray($obj, $depth = 3, $fields = [], $addClass = false
Converts an object to an array. For memory problems due to recursion: Specify max depth!
\nn\t3::Obj()->toArray($obj, 2, ['uid', 'title']);
\nn\t3::Obj()->toArray($obj, 1, ['uid', 'title', 'parent.uid']);
@param mixed $obj
ObjectStorage, model or array to be converted.@param integer $depth
Depth to be converted. For recursive conversion, be sure to use.@param array $fields
return only those fields from the object / array.@param boolean $addClass
‘__class’ with info about the class?@return array