

Render fluid templates and manipulate paths to templates in the view.

Overview of Methods

\nn\t3::Template()->findTemplate($view = NULL, $templateName = '');

Finds a template in an array of möpossible templatePaths of the view

\nn\t3::Template()->findTemplate( $this->view, 'example.html' );
@return string


Gets the variables of the current view, ie: Everything set via assign() and assignMultiple().

In the ViewHelper:

\nn\t3::Template()->getVariables( $renderingContext );

In the controller:

\nn\t3::Template()->getVariables( $this->view );
@return array

\nn\t3::Template()->mergeTemplatePaths($defaultTemplatePaths = [], $additionalTemplatePaths = []);

Merge paths to templates, partials, layout

\nn\t3::Template()->mergeTemplatePaths( $defaultTemplatePaths, $additionalTemplatePaths );
@return array


Removes the controller name path e.g. /Main/…. from the template search.

\nn\t3::Template()->removeControllerPath( $this->view );
@return void

\nn\t3::Template()->render($templateName = NULL, $vars = [], $templatePaths = []);

Rendering a Fluid Template via StandAlone Renderer

\nn\t3::Template()->render( 'template name', $vars, $templatePaths );
\nn\t3::Template()->render( 'templateName', $vars, 'myext' );
\nn\t3::Template()->render( 'templateName', $vars, 'tx_myext_myplugin' );
\nn\t3::Template()->render( 'fileadmin/Fluid/Demo.html', $vars );
@return string

\nn\t3::Template()->renderHtml($html = NULL, $vars = [], $templatePaths = []);

simply render fluid code via StandAlone renderer

\nn\t3::Template()->renderHtml( '{_all->f:debug()} Test: {test}', $vars );
   \nn\t3::Template()->renderHtml( ['Name: {name}', 'Test: {test}'], $vars );
   \nn\t3::Template()->renderHtml( ['name'=>'{firstname} {lastname}', 'test'=>'{test}'], $vars );
@return string

\nn\t3::Template()->setTemplatePaths($view = NULL, $defaultTemplatePaths = [], $additionalTemplatePaths = []);

Sets templates, partials, and layouts for a view. $additionalTemplatePaths can be üpassed to prioritize paths

\nn\t3::Template()->setTemplatePaths( $this->view, $templatePaths );
@return array