Load and parse FlexForms
Overview of Methods¶
\nn\t3::Flexform()->getFalMedia($ttContentUid = NULL, $field = ''
Lädt FAL media specified in directly in the FlexForm
\nn\t3::Flexform()->getFalMedia( 'falmedia' );
\nn\t3::Flexform()->getFalMedia( 'settings.falmedia' );
\nn\t3::Flexform()->getFalMedia( 1201, 'falmedia' );
$cObjData = \nn\t3::Tsfe()->cObjData();
$falMedia = \nn\t3::Flexform()->getFalMedia( $cObjData['uid'], 'falmedia' );
@return array
\nn\t3::Flexform()->getFlexform($ttContentUid = NULL
Gets the flexform of a given content element as an array
\nn\t3::Flexform()->getFlexform( 1201 );
@return array
\nn\t3::Flexform()->insertCountries($config, $a = NULL
Inserts options from TypoScript into a FlexForm or TCA for selection.
<items type="array"></items>
@return array
\nn\t3::Flexform()->insertOptions($config, $a = NULL
Inserts options from TypoScript into a FlexForm or TCA for selection
With typoscript, different types of structure are allowed:
plugin.tx_extname.settings.templates {
# direct key => label pairs
small = small design
# ... or: label set in subarray.
mid {
label = Mid Design
# ... or: key set in subarray, practical e.g. for CSS classes
10 {
label = big design
classes = big big-thing
# ... or a userFunc. Returns one of the variants above as an array
30 {
userFunc = nn\t3\Flexform->getOptions
The selection can be limited to specific controller actions in the TypoScript.
In this example, the “Yellow” option will only be displayed if in the switchableControllerAction
| Category->list
was selected.
plugin.tx_extname.settings.templates {
yellow {
label = yellow
controllerAction = Category->list,...
@return array
\nn\t3::Flexform()->parse($xml = ''
Converts a flexform XML to an array
Also acts as a ViewHelper:
@return array