

Overview of Methods


Get the current FE user. Alias to \nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getCurrentUser();


Also acts as a ViewHelper:

@return array

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getAvailableUserGroups($returnRowData = false);

Return all existing user groups. Returns an associative array, key is the uid, value is the title.


Alternatively, you can use true to return the complete dataset for the user groups. can be returned:

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getAvailableUserGroups( true );
@return array


Get cookie name of frontend user cookie. Usually fe_typo_user, unless it has been changed in the LocalConfiguration.


return string


Get array with the data of the current FE user.

@return array

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getCurrentUserGroups($returnRowData = false);

Get user groups of the current FE user as an array. The uids of the usergroups are used as keys in the returned array.

// Minimal version: By default Typo3 returns only title, uid and pid.
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getCurrentUserGroups(); // [1 => ['title'=>'Group A', 'uid' => 1, 'pid'=>5]]

// With true the complete dataset für the fe_user_group can be read from the DB
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getCurrentUserGroups( true ); // [1 => [... all fields of the DB] ]
@return array


Get the UID of the current frontend user

$uid = \nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getCurrentUserUid();
@return int

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getGroups($returnRowData = false);

Get user groups of the current FE user. Alias to nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getCurrentUserGroups();

// load only title, uid and pid of the groups.
// load the complete record of the groups
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getGroups( true );
@return array


Get the language UID of the current user

$languageUid = \nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getLanguage();
@return int

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getSessionData($key = NULL);

Get session data for FE users

@return mixed


Get session id of current frontend user

$sessionId = \nn\t3::FrontendUser()->getSessionId();
@return string


Prüft whether the user has a specific role.

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->hasRole( $roleUid );
@param $role
@return bool

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->isInUserGroup($feGroups = NULL);

Checks if the current frontend user is within a specific user group.

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->isInUserGroup( 1 );
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->isInUserGroup( ObjectStorage<FrontendUserGroup> );
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->isInUserGroup( [FrontendUserGroup, FrontendUserGroup, ...] );
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->isInUserGroup( [['uid'=>1, ...], ['uid'=>2, ...]] );
@return boolean


Prüft whether the user is currently logged in as a FE user. Früher: isset($GLOBALS[‘TSFE’]) && $GLOBALS[‘TSFE’]->loginUser

@return boolean

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->login($username, $password = NULL);

Logging in user manually. As of v10: alias to \nn\t3::FrontendUserAuthentication()->loginByUsername( $username );

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->login('99degrees', 'password');
@param $username
@param $password

@throws ReflectionException


Manually log out current FE-USer

@return void


Manually delete the current fe_typo_user cookie

@return void

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->resolveUserGroups($arr = [], $ignoreUids = []);

Converts an array or comma-separated list of user group UIDs to. | fe_user_groups data from the database. Prüft on inherited subgroup.

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->resolveUserGroups( [1,2,3] );
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->resolveUserGroups( '1,2,3' );
@return array

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setCookie($sessionId = NULL, $request = NULL);

Set the fe_typo_user cookie manually.

If no sessionID is passed, Typo3 itself searches for the session ID of the FE user.

When calling this method from a MiddleWare, the request should be passed with ü. This allows, for example, the global $_COOKIE value and the cookieParams.fe_typo_user to be passed in the request before authentication via typo3/cms-frontend/authentication in a separate middleware. must be set. Helpful if crossdomain authentication is required (e.g. Per Json Web Token / JWT).

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setCookie( $sessionId );
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setCookie( $sessionId, $request );
@return void

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setPassword($feUserUid = NULL, $password = NULL);

Change the password of a FE user. Alias to \nn\t3::FrontendUserAuthentication()->setPassword().

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setPassword( 12, '123password$#' );
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setPassword( $frontendUserModel, '123password#$' );
@return boolean

\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setSessionData($key = NULL, $val = NULL, $merge = true);

Set session-data for FE-user

// Merge session-data for `shop` with new data (already existing keys in `shop` will not be deleted).
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setSessionData('shop', ['a'=>1]));

// overwrite session-data for `shop` (`a` from the example above will be deleted)
\nn\t3::FrontendUser()->setSessionData('shop', ['b'=>1], false));
@return mixed