

Helpful methods to register extension components like plugins, Backend Modules, FlexForms etc.

Overview of Methods

\nn\t3::Registry()->addPageConfig($str = '');


\nn\t3::Registry()->addPageConfig( 'test.was = 10' );
\nn\t3::Registry()->addPageConfig( '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:extname/Configuration/TypoScript/page.txt">' );
\nn\t3::Settings()->addPageConfig( '@import "EXT:extname/Configuration/TypoScript/page.ts"' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->clearCacheHook($classMethodPath = '');

Insert a hook that will be executed when you click on “Clear Cache”. The following script goes into the ext_localconf.php of your custom extension:

\nn\t3::Registry()->clearCacheHook( \My\Ext\Path::class . '->myMethod' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->configurePlugin($vendorName = '', $pluginName = '', $cacheableActions = [], $uncacheableActions = []);

Configuring a plugin. Use in ext_localconf.php.

\nn\t3::Registry()->configurePlugin( 'Nng\Nncalendar', 'Nncalendar',
    [\Nng\ExtName\Controller\MainController::class => 'index,list'],
    [\Nng\ExtName\Controller\MainController::class => 'show']
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->flexform($vendorName = '', $pluginName = '', $path = '');

Register a flexform for a plugin.

\nn\t3::Registry()->flexform( 'nncalendar', 'nncalendar', 'FILE:EXT:nnsite/Configuration/FlexForm/flexform.xml' );
\nn\t3::Registry()->flexform( 'Nng\Nncalendar', 'nncalendar', 'FILE:EXT:nnsite/Configuration/FlexForm/flexform.xml' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->fluidNamespace($referenceNames = [], $namespaces = []);

Register global namespace for fluid. Mostly used in ext_localconf.php.

\nn\t3::Registry()->fluidNamespace( 'nn', 'Nng\Nnsite\ViewHelpers' );
\nn\t3::Registry()->fluidNamespace( ['nn', 'nng'], 'Nng\Nnsite\ViewHelpers' );
\nn\t3::Registry()->fluidNamespace( ['nn', 'nng'], ['Nng\Nnsite\ViewHelpers', 'Other\Namespace\Fallback'] );
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->get($extName = '', $path = '');

Get a value from the sys_registry table.

\nn\t3::Registry()->get( 'nnsite', 'lastRun' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->getVendorExtensionName($combinedVendorPluginName = '');

Generate plugin name. Depending on Typo3 version, the plugin name will be returned with or without vendor.

\nn\t3::Registry()->getVendorExtensionName( 'nncalendar' ); // => Nng.Nncalendar
   \nn\t3::Registry()->getVendorExtensionName( 'Nng\Nncalendar' ); // => Nng.Nncalendar
@return string

\nn\t3::Registry()->icon($identifier = '', $path = '');

Register an icon. Classically used in ext_tables.php.

\nn\t3::Registry()->icon('nncalendar-plugin', 'EXT:myextname/Resources/Public/Icons/wizicon.svg');
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->parseControllerActions($controllerActionList = []);

Parse list with 'ControllerName' => 'action,list,show' Always specify the full class path in ::class notation. Take into account that before Typo3 10, only the simple class name (e.g. Main) is used as the key.

    [\Nng\ExtName\Controller\MainController::class => 'index,list'],
@return array

\nn\t3::Registry()->plugin($vendorName = '', $pluginName = '', $title = '', $icon = '', $tcaGroup = NULL);

Register a plugin to select – using the CType dropdown in the backend. In Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php use – or ext_tables.php (deprecated).

\nn\t3::Registry()->plugin( 'nncalendar', 'nncalendar', 'Calendar', 'EXT:path/to/icon.svg' );
\nn\t3::Registry()->plugin( 'Nng\Nncalendar', 'nncalendar', 'Calendar', 'EXT:path/to/icon.svg' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->pluginGroup($vendorName = '', $groupLabel = '', $plugins = []);

Simplifies the process of registering a list of plugins, which are combined into a Group.

Use in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php:

        'list' => [
            'title' => 'LLL:EXT:myextname/Resources/Private/Language/',
            'icon' => 'EXT:myextname/Resources/Public/Icons/Extension.svg',
            'flexform' => 'FILE:EXT:myextname/Configuration/FlexForm/list.xml'
        'show' => [
            'title' => 'LLL:EXT:myextname/Resources/Private/Language/',
            'icon' => 'EXT:myextname/Resources/Public/Icons/Extension.svg',
            'flexform' => 'FILE:EXT:myextname/Configuration/FlexForm/show.xml'
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->rootLineFields($fields = [], $translate = true);

Register a field in the pages table to be inherited/slided to subpages. In the ext_localconf.php register:


Typoscript setup:

page.10.variables {
    footer = TEXT
    footer {
        data = levelfield:-1, footerelement, slide
@return void

\nn\t3::Registry()->set($extName = '', $path = '', $settings = [], $clear = false);

Save a value in the sys_registry table. Data in this table will be preserved beyond the session. For example, a scheduler job can store the last time it was executed. it was executed.

Arrays are recursively merged/merged by default:

\nn\t3::Registry()->set( 'nnsite', 'lastRun', ['one'=>'1'] );
\nn\t3::Registry()->set( 'nnsite', 'lastRun', ['two =>'2'] );

\nn\t3::Registry()->get( 'nnsite', 'lastRun' ); // => ['one'=>1, 'two'=>2]

With true at the end, the previous values will be deleted:

\nn\t3::Registry()->set( 'nnsite', 'lastRun', ['one'=>'1'] );
\nn\t3::Registry()->set( 'nnsite', 'lastRun', ['two'=>'2'], true );

\nn\t3::Registry()->get( 'nnsite', 'lastRun' ); // => ['two'=>2]
@return array