File Uploads

Handling fileupload in your TYPO3 RestApi

The EXT:nnrestapi makes uploading files and attaching them as SysFileReferences to Models as easy as possible.

To learn how to manage file-uploads, dive in to one of the following recipes:

Link to documentation Content
Full example Describes step-by-step how to setup your TYPO3 Restful Api, including mapping of your JSON to a Model and attaching SysFileReferences (FAL)
Basics of JSON to FAL mapping Example of a Model with a FileReference. Show how to add and remove SysFileReferences with the API by passing the file path or the special placeholder UPLOAD:/identifier
Configuring upload paths Control, which folder the uploaded files are moved to and how to write a script, that dynamically decides where the file should go.
Configuring access right Make sure, not anybody can upload files to your server. Restrict access to certain frontend-users or -groups.
Frontend example, plain JS Full upload-example using nothing but pure JavaScript (“VanillaJS”). Requires a modern browser that support ES6+ (anything but Internet Explorer 11 and below)
Frontend example, legacy JS Full upload-example using nothing but pure JavaScript (“VanillaJS”). Same like above, but for older browsers that can’t use fetch() (e.g. Internet Explorer 11 and below)
Frontend example with AXIOS Pure JavaScript solution, but with a little help from the great JS library “axios” that makes life a little easier.
Frontend example with jQuery If you still like jQuery although the world is moving somewhere else, here is an example for the file upload using jQuery.

Full examples on CodePen

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Codepen example

Link to CodePen Content
Plain JS File-upload using Pure JavaScript (Vanilla JS) and ES6
Legacy JS File-upload for older Browsers (IE11 and below)
AXIOS File-upload using AXIOS
jQuery File-upload using jQuery