Creating Content-Elements (tt_content)

How to create or modify a TYPO3 content-element with your RESTful Api

You might have the crazy idea to replace parts of the TYPO3 backend with a custom interface so your user can create or modify the standard TYPO3 content-elements using your own frontend application.

Everything you need for retrieving and modifying the fields of the tt_content-table including FAL (FileReferences) for the fields image, media and assets are implemented and ready to use.

The only thing that might be new and confusing: You will need a Domain-Model and Repository to create an object that can be modified with getters and setters. For some reason, TYPO3 has not implemented a Model for ContentElements from the tt_content-table yet (or we couldn’t find it ;) - so we will need to do it ourselves:


  1. Creating the Content-Model

    Inside of your own extension, let’s start by defining the Content model.

    Create a file inside of your extension: Classes/Domain/Model/TtContent.php and add the following code. Make sure to replace the namespace with your vendor- and extension-name.

    // Classes/Domain/Model/TtContent.php
    namespace My\Extension\Domain\Model;
    use \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference;
    use \Nng\Nnrestapi\Domain\Model\AbstractRestApiModel;
    * A simple Model to test things with.
    class TtContent extends AbstractRestApiModel
        * @var string
       protected $cType = 'textmedia';
        * @var int
       protected $colPos = 0;
        * @var string
       protected $header;
        * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference>
       protected $assets;
        * constructor
       public function __construct() {
        * Initializes all \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage properties.
        * @return void
       protected function initStorageObjects() {
          $this->assets = new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage();
        * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage
       public function getAssets() {
          return $this->assets;
        * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage $assets
        * @return self
       public function setAssets(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage $assets) {
          $this->assets = $assets;
          return $this;
        * @return  string
       public function getCType() {
          return $this->cType;
        * @param   string  $cType
        * @return  self
       public function setCType($cType) {
          $this->cType = $cType;
          return $this;
        * @return  int
       public function getColPos() {
          return $this->colPos;
        * @param   int  $colPos
        * @return  self
       public function setColPos($colPos) {
          $this->colPos = $colPos;
          return $this;
        * @return  string
       public function getHeader() {
          return $this->header;
        * @param   string  $header
        * @return  self
       public function setHeader($header) {
          $this->header = $header;
          return $this;
  2. Create the Repository

    Next, let’s create the Repository to handle our TtContent-Model.

    This file is located at Classes/Domain/Repository/TtContentRepository.php:

    // Classes/Domain/Repository/TtContentRepository.php
    namespace My\Extension\Domain\Repository;
    class TtContentRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {}
  3. Link your new Model to the tt_content table

    TYPO3 needs to understand, that our TtContent-Model is not being stored in a new table, but is actually linked to the tt_content-table.

    Create a file in your extension: Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php with this content:

    // Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php
    return [
       \My\Extension\Domain\Model\TtContent::class => [
          'tableName' => 'tt_content',
          'properties' => [
                'cType' => [
                   'fieldName' => 'CType'
  4. Define where the files should be uploaded to

    In the TypoScript-setup of your extension, define a defaultStoragePath to use for file-uploads.

    This setting will be referred to in the endpoint to create new content-elements using the Annotation @Api\Upload("config[apidemo]")

    plugin.tx_nnrestapi {
       settings {
          # where to upload new files. Use @Api\Upload("config[apidemo]")
          fileUploads {
             apidemo {
                defaultStoragePath = 1:/apidemo/
  5. Create an endpoint

    Next we will need to define an REST-Api endpoint to handle the GET and POST requests.

    Here is the file located at Classes/Api/Content.php

    // Classes/Api/Content.php
    namespace My\Extension\Api;
    use My\Extension\Domain\Repository\TtContentRepository;
    use My\Extension\Domain\Model\TtContent as TtContent;
    use Nng\Nnrestapi\Annotations as Api;
    * This annotation registers this class as an Endpoint!
    * @Api\Endpoint()
    class Content extends \Nng\Nnrestapi\Api\AbstractApi
        * @var TtContentRepository
       private $ttContentRepository = null;
        * Constructor
        * Inject the TtContentRepository.
        * Ignore storagePid.
        * @return void
       public function __construct()
          $this->ttContentRepository = \nn\t3::injectClass( TtContentRepository::class );
          \nn\t3::Db()->ignoreEnableFields( $this->ttContentRepository );
        * # Retrieve an existing Content-Element
        * Send a simple GET request to retrieve a content-element by its uid from the database.
        * Replace `{uid}` with the uid of the Entry:
        * ```
        * ```
        * @Api\Access("public")
        * @Api\Localize()
        * @Api\Label("/api/content/{uid}")
        * @param TtContent $entry
        * @param int $uid
        * @return array
       public function getIndexAction( TtContent $ttContent = null, int $uid = null )
          if (!$uid) {
             return $this->response->notFound("No uid passed in URL. Send the request with `api/content/{uid}`");
          if (!$ttContent) {
             return $this->response->notFound("Content-Element with uid [{$uid}] was not found.");
          return $ttContent;
        * # Create a new Content-Element
        * Send a POST request to this endpoint including a JSON to create a
        * new ContentElement in the tt_content-table. You can also upload file(s).
        * You __must be logged in__ as a frontend OR backend user to access
        * this endpoint.
        * @Api\Access("be_users,fe_users")
        * @Api\Upload("config[apidemo]")
        * @Api\Example("{'pid':1, 'colPos':0, 'header':'Test', 'assets':['UPLOAD:/file-0']}");
        * @param TtContent $ttContentElement
        * @return array
       public function postIndexAction( TtContent $ttContentElement = null )
          \nn\t3::Db()->save( $ttContentElement );
          return $ttContentElement;
  6. Test it!

    Clear the TYPO3 cache (lightning-button) and use the RestApi backend module to test it!