
How to login as a Frontend-User using jQuery and send requests

In most cases you will want to restrict access to your an endpoint to certain users or usergroups. The basic way to do this in your classes and methods, is to use the @ApiAccess() Annotation.

The nnrestapi-extension comes with a default endpoint to authenticate as a Frontend User using the credentials set in the standard fe_user-record.

To keep the frontend user logged in, TYPO3 usually sets a cookie. Cookies tend to get rather ugly when you are sending cross-domain requests, e.g. from your Single Page Application (SPA) or from a localhost environment.

The nnrestapi solves this by also allowing authentication via JWT (Json Web Token).

Let’s have a look, how to authenticate, retrieve a JWT with jQuery and pass it to the server when making follow-up request to your TYPO3 Rest Api.

Authentication with jQuery

Use a simple POST-request to the endpoint /api/auth and pass your credentials wrapped in a JSON to authenticate as a TYPO3 Frontend-User. If you were successfully logged in, you will get an array with information about the frontend-user and the JSON Web Token (JWT).

In the following script we are simply “memorizing” the JWT by storing it in the localStorage for later requests.

// This endpoint is part of the nnrestapi
const authUrl = '';

const credentials = JSON.stringify({
    username: 'john',
    password: 'xxxx'

$.post(authUrl, credentials).done((result) => {
    alert( `Welcome ${result.username}!` );
    localStorage.setItem('token', result.token);
}).fail((error) => {
    alert( `Error ${error.status}: ${error.responseJSON.error}` );

If you were john and we guessed your password right, the response of the above example will look something like this:

    uid: 9,
    username: "john",
    usergroup: [3, 5],
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Malone",
    lastlogin: 1639749538,
    token: "some_damn_long_token"

The most important part of the response is the token. You will need to store the value of the token in a variable or localStorage like we did in the example above.

Sending authenticated requests

After you retrieved your JSON Web Token (JWT) you can compose requests with the Authentication Bearer header.

Let’s send a request to an endpoint that has an restricted access and only allows requests from fe_users. This can be done, by setting @Api\Access("fe_users") as Annotation in the endpoints method.

// Your endpoint. Only fe_users may access it.
const url = '';

// The JWT we stored above after authenticating
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');

    url: url,
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
}).done((result) => {
   console.log( result );
}).fail((error) => {
    alert( `Error ${error.status}: ${error.responseJSON.error}` );

Checking the login status

The nnrestapi comes with an endpoint to check, if the JWT is still valid. Or, another words, If the frontend-user is still logged in and has a valid session.


The session lifetime (the time the frontend-user session is valid) can be set in the backend. Have a look at the extension configuration for nnrestapi in the Extension Manager.

Simply send a GET-request to the endpoint /api/user and pass the Authentication Bearer header. If the session is stil valid, the API will return information about the current frontend-user.

// This endpoint is part of the nnrestapi
const checkUserUrl = '';

// The JWT we stored above after authenticating
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');

    url: checkUserUrl,
    type: 'GET',
    headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
}).done((result) => {
   console.log( result );
}).fail((error) => {
    alert( `Error ${error.status}: ${error.responseJSON.error}` );

The result will be very similar to the object returned during authentication, but the response will not contain the token:

    uid: 9,
    username: "john",
    usergroup: [3, 5],
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Malone",
    lastlogin: 1639749538