
Accessing Request variables in your endpoint

When a request is forwarded to your endpoint, nnrestapi automatically injects an instance of Nng\Nnrestapi\Mvc\Request. This is basically a simple wrapper for the standard TYPO3 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Request, pimped with a couple of features needed specifically for accessing the Request-body (the parsed JSON), the files passed in the multipart-formdata etc.


Make sure your endpoints’ class extends the Nng\Nnrestapi\Api\AbstractApi, otherwise you will not have access to all properties and methods mentioned in this section.

To make things intuitive for anybody who is familiar with the TYPO3 ActionControllers, you can access the Nng\Nnrestapi\Mvc\Request in the class property $this->request.

This section gives you an overview of common variables you might want to access while evaluating the request and composing the response.

All the following examples are placed inside your endpoints’ method.

Request arguments

Use $this->request->getArguments() to access the Request variables.


namespace My\Extension\Api;

use Nng\Nnrestapi\Annotations as Api;
use Nng\Nnrestapi\Api\AbstractApi;

 * @Api\Endpoint()
class Example extends AbstractApi
    * @Api\Access("public")
    * @return array
   public function getIndexAction()
      $args = $this->request->getArguments();
      return $args;

Useful variables and methods in $this->request

Here is an list of the most-used methods and variables you can access in $this->request:

Method Description
$this->request->getEndpoint() Return information about the current endpoint, including parsed annotations, defined access-rights etc.
$this->request->getMvcRequest() Return the original TYPO3 ServerRequest TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequest
$this->request->getAcceptedLanguage() Return the accepted language passed by the browser, e.g. en or de
$this->request->getMethod() The HTTP-Request-Method used for the current request, e.g. post, get, put etc.

The current URL requested, excluding the domain-name, e.g.


An array - the parsed JSON passed in the body of the request, e.g.

['title'=>'Hello', 'name'=>'David']

A string - the raw JSON-data, unparsed - e.g.

"{\"title\":\"Hello\", \"name\":\"David\"}"

The settings for the current request, including the instructions for processing the data defined in the TypoScript setup

   'fileUploads' => [
       'default' => [
           'defaultStoragePath' => '1:/api/',
           'file' => '1:/api/tests/',
   'globalDistillers' => [
       'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\Category' => [
           'exclude' => 'parent'

The current Frontend-User. Raw data-row from fe_users, if the current request was made by a authenticated frontend-user

['uid'=>1, 'username'=>'john', 'usergroup'=>'3,5', ...]

Data-rows from fe_groups, if the current request was made by a authenticated frontend-user. An array of all groups that the current user belongs to, including subgroups.

   0 => ['uid'=>3, 'title'=>'groupname 1', ...],
   1 => ['uid'=>5, 'title'=>'groupname 2', ...],
$this->request->isAdmin() Returns true if the feUser has the checkbox “RestApi Admin” set in the fe_user-entry. This will grant additional privileges like retrieving hidden records as if the fe_user was a backend-user
$this->request->getRemoteAddr() Returns the REMOTE_ADDR (IP-address) of the request

Returns an array of the uploaded files

   'file-0' => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\UploadedFile,
   'file-1' => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\UploadedFile,

Returns the $_SERVER array of the request

   'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'https',
   'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/var/www/vhost/my/site',
   'REMOTE_ADDR' => '123.456.789.123',
   'SERVER_PORT' => '443',

Request arguments when using standard routing

Imagine you have defined an endpoint that handles all GET requests that have an URL-pattern beginning like this: /api/example/news/...:


namespace My\Extension\Api;

use Nng\Nnrestapi\Annotations as Api;
use Nng\Nnrestapi\Api\AbstractApi;

 * @Api\Endpoint()
class Example extends AbstractApi
    * @Api\Access("public")
    * @return array
   public function getNewsAction()
      $args = $this->request->getArguments();
      return $args;

If you are using the standard routing, the endpoint to handle the request will automatically be determined by the methodname. (see Routing by method-name for details). That means, that all of the of the following GET requests would be routed to the Example->getNewsAction() method:

Based on the default way that nnrestapi interprets the above URL, it will parse the URL to request-arguments using the pattern:{class}/{method}/{uid}/{param1}/{param2}/{param3}/{param4}

Here are examples of the resulting array returned by $this->request->getArguments():

Requestes URL $this->request->getArguments() will contain:
/api/example/news []
/api/example/news/1 ['uid'=>1]
/api/example/news/article ['uid'=>'article']
/api/example/news/article/1 ['uid'=>'article', 'param1'=>'1']
/api/example/news/article/a/b/c ['uid'=>'article', 'param1'=>'a', 'param2'=>'b', 'param3'=>'c']

Dependency injections with request arguments

Remember, that you can always use Dependeny Injection to automatically pass request- variables from $this->request->getArguments() in to your method. This is very useful when you have implemented Routing by custom Routes and defined variables for your Route:

 * @Api\Route("GET /example/{name}")
 * @Api\Access("public")
 * @param string $name
 * @return array
public function anyMethodNameYouLike( $name = null )
   return ['welcome' => "Welcome {$name} to my RestAPi!"];