Quick Start

Up and running in 5 minutes

  1. Install the nnrestapi extension

    Follow the instructions under Installation to install the nnrestapi extension.

  2. Create an own extension

    To implement your own endpoints, you will need to create a new extension - or use one of your existing extensions.

    Define the dependencies to the nnrestapi extension in your extension. This is important, so TYPO3 loads your extension after the nnrestapi extension.

    This goes in the ext_emconf.php of your extension:

    $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY] = [
       'constraints' => [
          'depends' => [
             'nnrestapi' => '1.1.0-0.0.0',

    In case your installation is running in composer-mode, this must be added to the composer.json of your extension.

       "require": {
          "nng/nnrestapi": "^1.1"
  3. Create your first endpoint

    Create a file located at Classes/Api/Demo.php in your extension with this code.

    Important: Note that the comments with @Api\Endpoint() and @Api\Access() are not just comments! They actually register your class as an Endpoint and define, who is allowed to access your method.

    namespace My\Extension\Api;
    use Nng\Nnrestapi\Annotations as Api;
     * @Api\Endpoint()
    class Demo extends \Nng\Nnrestapi\Api\AbstractApi {
        * @Api\Access("public")
        * @return array
       public function getExampleAction()
          return ['great'=>'it works!'];
  4. Clear the cache!

    Click on the “clear cache” icon in the backend. This will make sure, that nnrestapi rebuilds the cache file and includes your classes and endpoints.

    We had a focus on performance and caching, so get used to having to do this whenever you add new endpoints or make changes to the @Api-annotations of a method.

  5. Call your endpoint

    Enter the URL https://www.yourdomain.com/api/demo/example to see the result!